Monday, August 14, 2023

People Person by Candice Carty-Williams

Rating: 4.5 of 5 stars 
Pages: 336 pages
Published: April 2022

People Person by Candice Carty-Williams is her second novel after bestselling and award-winning novel, Queenie, which I also adored! While I did see some similarities in the main character, Dimple, of People Person, the more recent book is a complete departure from the first. This is not a criticism. I find it refreshing when authors can write and offer something new rather than formulaic. Well, I am getting a little ahead of myself. Let me tell you about the book. 

It centers around Dimple and her four half-siblings: Nikisha, Danny, Lizzie, and Prynce. Having grown up without financial or emotional support from their absent father, Cyril Pennington, the siblings don't know a whole lot about one another until one day when Cyril picks them up in his gold Jeep and takes them to the park for ice cream. For the remainder of their formative years, they largely grow up with little interaction (save the oldest, Nikisha, and the youngest, Prynce, who have the same mother). However, at the age of 30 Dimple finds herself in a troubling situation and remembering her oldest half sibling, Nikisha, told her she could call if she ever needed anything on that fateful day they all met in the park, Dimple takes her upon that offer. Nikisha calls the other three siblings and together they find themselves in a tense situation that brings them together and helps them learn more about one another ... and their absent father too.

When I first began this book, I thought there is no way I am going to be able to enjoy it and follow this cast of characters than Carty-Williams sets up in the first chapter. However, she is such an excellent storyteller than I quickly found myself engrossed in the shenanigans that the Pennington siblings were trying to resolve as a family unit. Each character is distinctly developed that makes it easy to follow and fall in love with their flaws. Having said that, some characters, like Dimple, were a little more frustrating at times than others. But isn't that the way people work outside of books too? 

I found this story to be driving, funny, and endearing further solidifying my love of Carty-Williams' writing. We need more stories like this that feature people of color. 

Recommendation: I highly recommend this book. I snagged my copy at Barnes & Noble, but I am sure you can find it at your local library or discount book store since it's been over a year since initial publication. I think it would make for a fun Saturday afternoon read. 

Please note there are some descriptions of violence, domestic abuse, and a couple of mild sex scenes. 

Until next time ... Read on!

Regardless of whether I purchase a book, borrow a book, or receive a book in exchange for review, my ultimate goal is to be honest, fair, and constructive. I hope you've found this review helpful.


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