Sunday, March 17, 2024

Romantic Comedy by Curtis Sittenfeld

Rating: 4.5 of 5 stars 
Pages: 309 pages
Published: April 2023

Romantic Comedy by Curtis Sittenfeld was recommended by Anne Bogel's Modern Mrs. Darcy Book Club as a 2023 Summer Reading Guide pick. I snagged a copy from Book of the Month, but I didn't get around to reading it until this spring. When I procrastinate and the book is this good, I just want to kick myself for waiting so long. But the upside is the recommendation was solid and it was a good read, so I win ... sooner or later! 

Romantic Comedy is about Sally, a sketch writer on a late-night skit show (think Saturday Night Live) called The Night Owls. With a couple of superficial relationships post-divorce, Sally has no intention of engaging in the business of love. While on the job she writes a bit called the Danny Horst Rule, which is based on average-looking Joes who are somehow able to create relationships with glamorous women (think Pete Davidson and Kim Kardashian). As fate would have it, pop music star Noah Brewster guest stars on The Night Owls, and Sally thinks they might have had a brief connection during his one-week preparation and appearance on the show. Has the Danny Horst Rule come to her front door? The remainder of the book allows the reader to explore their interactions. 

I really enjoyed this story. The writing was clever, and the emotions were very true to heart. The book is set during the dreadful Covid-19 years, but it was fun to watch the relationship between Sally and Noah blossom over email. People don't really write anymore; they text or video call, so this was refreshing. But the characters are both writers, so it wasn't too much of a stretch. As a lover of words, I enjoyed the discourse and the overall story. 

Recommendation: To be honest, as a book with the word comedy in the title, I thought it would be a little funnier. Having said that, it did not take away from the story for me. It is heavier on the romance aspect, but I really enjoyed how it was presented in this book. That slow burn that leads to the excitement of getting to know someone especially made the book engaging. Upon completion, I listened to the author chat on the Modern Mrs. Darcy Book Club platform, which made this story an even more richer reading experience for me. 

Until next time ... Read on!

Regardless of whether I purchase a book, borrow a book, or receive a book in exchange for review, my ultimate goal is to be honest, fair, and constructive. I hope you've found this review helpful.


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